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Year 5 & 6 - Eagles

Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you had a lovely break and enjoyed some much-needed sunshine.  I bet the children were tired from our amazing camp at Condover Hall!  They really threw themselves into all the activities and were excellent role models for the school.   I can’t believe Term 6 is here already – it is always a busy one!

Our learning
This term we will be learning about oceans and why they matter.  During this topic, children will revisit their learning about the water cycle, consider why our oceans are so important and how we can look after them.  This will fit between all the other exciting things going on in this term.  Keep on reading….

KS2 Production – Cinderella (Roald Dahl’s revolting rhyme)

The children have already been working hard to learn the songs for our production and are making great strides with learning their lines too.  Please continue to support them at home to learn these.  We are busy in school with rehearsal and will let you know dates and times for the final performance very soon.

Cromhall Flower Show
If you are new to our school, every September the Cromhall Flower Show is held in our school field.  It is a great local event and all children at St. Andrew’s always exhibit some creative work in a competition.  This usually involves some sewing.  This year, the children are learning how to sew 3D flowers using scraps of material.  They will be presented in beautifully decorated pots, also made by the children.  Here is an example of what the children are working towards:


Please don’t forget that ALL children in KS2 will continue to have swimming lessons every Wednesday this term, starting from 3rd July.  Please ensure your child has their swimming things each Wednesday.


PE will continue to be on Thursdays and Fridays.

Home Learning

As I mentioned last term, there are now weekly tasks set on Mathletics with a deadline of Sunday evening;  I will set four tasks per week.   Children should also complete a minimum of 30 minutes per week of Time Table Rock Stars. All children should have completed the Spelling and Grammar workbooks. Please also continue to support your children with reading at least 5 times per week and recording this in their reading diaries. Please ensure reading diaries are brought in to school daily. They will be checked on Fridays.

As always, please do come and see me if you have anything you would like to discuss.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. Sarah Woodcock