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Year 3 & 4 - Falcons

Term 6 - Newsletter 

Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you had a lovely break and enjoyed some time with your families. I am so excited about the term ahead, as we will be completing lots of new learning before the summer break.

Our learning
This term we will be learning about rivers and how they are formed. We will be looking closely at the structures of rivers and also consider how the features differ as we move further from their source. We will explore where rivers might be found around the world and also consider how they are important to humans and wildlife. We will also use this learning to inform our English writing, where we will look at the text The Rhythm of the Rain by Graham Baker-Smith, a story of the water cycle.

KS2 Production – Cinderella (Roald Dahl’s revolting rhyme)

As members of Key Stage 2, we will be providing support for the end-of-year performance. For this, year 3 and 4 will be practising the amazing songs from this production. The show will be on Friday 12th July 6pm at Tytherington Village Hall.

Cromhall Flower Show
The Cromhall Flower show is fast approaching! As a school, we will be creating artwork to display for the show, which will also be entered in a competition. Years 3 and 4 are creating woven flowers using their textile skills. Our aim is to create some beautiful flowers for you all to see.


Please don’t forget that ALL children in KS2 will continue to have swimming lessons every Wednesday this term, starting from 3rd July.  Please ensure your child has their swimming things each Wednesday.


PE will continue to be on Thursdays and Fridays. Children can wear their kit to school on these days.

Home Learning

As a reminder, children are expected to complete their home learning tasks each week. Each child has four set tasks to complete on Mathletics by the end of the week and is also required to play at least 30 minutes of Times Tables Rockstars a week. As a class, we have seen a huge development in confidence around timetables since this has been introduced, so please ensure your child is able to log on when they can. Reading records are checked at the end of each week. For every 15 reads, your child will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win some book related prizes at the end of term!

As always, please do come and see me if you have anything you would like to discuss.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Joshua Watkins