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Year 1 & 2 - Hawks

Summer Term 2 - Message from Mrs Milverton

This term our Topic is ‘Evolution’.

In English, we will be reading the text –‘The Green Giant’. For our fiction focus, the children will be rewriting and expanding the story. For our non-fiction focus they will be writing an information piece of how to care for plants.  

In Maths, the children will be learning about measurement – length and height, capacity, mass and temperature. They will learn how to read scales in increments of 1, 2 5 and 10 and make comparisons between readings. We will be revisiting fractions, multiplication and division.

In Science, the children will be learning about animal life cycles, including humans. They will learn about how humans change as they grow up, and how their five senses are important to them.

In Geography, the children will be continuing their learning about human and physical features and will sketch maps of their local area. They will learn where in the world China is, and what it is like in this country. They will make comparison between Cromhall and Shanghai.

The children will be painting the clay animals they made before the half term break. They will be taking part in lots of creative activities in Art Week using recycled materials.

Please find below further information about our class routines and things your child will need each day.

PE Days

PE days for Reception, Years 1 and 2 will be Mondays and Tuesdays. Please can children attend school on these days in their PE kits. For health and safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn on these days, and long hair should be tied back.

Water Bottles

All children require a water bottle containing water in school each day to keep them hydrated. There is a tray in the classroom to store these and the children are able to refill these as needed throughout the day.

Reading Books

Children require their reading books and records in school each day, and all books will be changed on a Friday. At the end of the week, the total number of times your child has read at home are totalled. If your child has read our school expectation of five times, their name will go on to our class ‘Star Reader’ chart, and their name will be entered into the raffle for a book token prize at the end of the spring term.

School Bags

Our cloak room is very limited with space. Please can your child refrain from bringing a backpack to school so that our pegs can be used for hanging up their coats.

Sun hats

Now we are in the summer term, and hopefully the warmer weather will be arriving soon, please can your child bring a named sun hat to school. No sunglasses please.

If you need to contact me with regard to your child, you are welcome to email me or speak with me at the end of the school day.