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Reception - Owls

Summer Term 2 - Message from Mrs West

Welcome back to term 6. I cannot believe that this will be the last newsletter before the children move up to Year 1. Can I take this opportunity to say how proud I am of everyone. It has been such a fun year with your amazing children! We have lots to look forward to this term – it started literally with a bang with an amazing science tricks show and an amazing birds of prey experience.

Our Learning:

We will be reading and retelling some traditional tales such as ‘Goldilocks’ and exploring the life cycle of a butterfly with the story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’.  When writing, we are really focussing on forming our letters with the correct letter formation. In Maths, we will be learning how to share sets of objects into equal groups and learning how to recognise if numbers are odd or even. We will learn to say our number doubles to 5+5 and begin to count in steps of 2, 5 and 10. Other learning opportunities will link with the Year 1 and 2 class and will focus on animal life cycles, including humans, learning about how humans change as they grow up. We will be looking at maps to discover where China is and make some comparisons between Shanghai and Cromhall. Week 2 is art week and Reception will be working on a picture frame project led by Mrs Mayhew-Sanders that will form our contribution to be displayed at the Cromhall flower show in September. Week 3 is our final week of flora and fauna. The children seem to have loved these outdoor sessions!


PE days continue to be Monday and Tuesday. With increasingly limited space in our cloakroom, please refrain from bringing in large bags if possible and instead bring in a book bag. Books are changed on a Monday. Please make sure all reading books come back to school – If you find any books at home please return them before the end of the year.

Assessment at the end of the year:

As you know school reports have already been completed but at the end of the year the children’s level of development will be assessed against 17 early learning goals (ELGs) across all 7 areas of learning and development in the EYFS. For each ELG, it will report whether a child is meeting the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS, or if they are not yet reaching this level and should be assessed as ‘emerging’. The Profile is intended to provide a reliable and accurate summative assessment of each child’s development at the end of the EYFS in order to support children’s successful transitions to year 1. Below I have included the Early learning goals for your reference.

Phonics & reading:

We have finished learning all of our digraphs and trigraphs for this year. We are spending this term recapping and applying our new knowledge. As well as recognising the sounds written down, you can support by calling them out and see if the children can spot them or write them down. It is also important to look at longer words and be able to quickly spot a digraph/ trigraph in the word to help us with decoding it quickly. We are also concentrating this term at reading and writing some of our red words. Remember the ones linked to the books we are reading are on the inside cover of the book to practise before sharing the books.