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Our Vision (Intent)

At St Andrew’s Primary School, through a well sequenced, progressive curriculum, we strive to support and challenge our children to grow into fluent and confident writers, able to articulate their opinions, emotions, and ideas.

The writing curriculum encourages children to immerse themselves in different text types, understand the features and impact of these, and realise their importance and purpose beyond education.

Our aims are:

  • To guide and nurture every individual on their own personal journey to becoming a successful writer.
  • To provide exciting writing opportunities and experiences that engage and inspire all pupils.
  • For every child to have a good knowledge of phonics to ensure they become fluent writers.
  • For all children to acquire a wide vocabulary and to be able to spell new words by effectively applying the spelling patterns and rules they have learnt.
  • For all children to have a solid knowledge and understanding of grammar and apply it effectively to their writing.
  • For all children to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences through editing and re-drafting.
  • That all children should be encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their writing, in part to maintain legibility in joined handwriting when writing at speed.